
map studio




Studio Brief & Information

It is a widespread belief that since the fall of the Serenissima at the end of 18th century (1797), the city of Venice has remained almost unchanged. For the multitude of tourists who visit the city every year, it appears as an open-air museum where coexistence between heritage and the contemporary is very difficult if not impossible. A vision of a city with a consolidated structure and saturated urban conformation persist and in this fossilized system the new does not seem to find a place.

This stereotype, however, clashes with a completely different reality, especially in the contemporary era, rich in terms of quality and quantity. Between 19th and 20th century a lot was built in Venice but there is evidence of empty spaces not only on the borders but also in the city center. Clearly this condition of coexistence is unique in Venice. All the parts in the game are forced to confront each other within a narrow perimeter, in a limited space where each event has a series of repercussions on the whole.

This studio will investigate these conditions by developing contemporary architecture design proposals related to the theme of exhibition by designing a small pavilion inside a public garden whilst incorporating the peculiar conditions of the landscape context (land and water) and the existing historical surrounding.

Project Program Pavilion
Studio Times 4-15th July | 3.5hrs / day (specific daily schedule tba)
9th – 10th July weekend (no class)
*it is expected that students spend additional time outside the scheduled class time to develop their projects
Required Skills Free hand drawing
CAD skills for technical drawings
Physical study modelling and/or 3D digital modelling
Required Software N/A
Resources Non-Essential but Recommended Reading:
– The Architecture of the City by Aldo Rossi
– Genius Loci: Towards a Phenomenology of Architecture by Christian Norberg-Schulz
The Modern Venice Map (
Guida all’architettura Realizzazioni e progetti dal 1950 Clemens F. Kusch / Anabel Gelhaar
Non-Essential but Recommended Knowledge of the Work of the Following Artists:
Carl Andre, Eduardo Chillida, Walter De Maria, Michael Heizer, Donald Judd, Robert Morris, Jorge Oteiza, Richard Serra, Robert Smithson, Rachel Whiteread
Project Site Vergini Garden Arsenale


Field Trips

Venice Naval History Museum (Arsenale, Venice)

Querini Stampalia Foundation Garden, Venice (designed by Carlo Scarpa)

Vatican Chapels (north garden of the Giorgio Cini Foundation, San Giorgio Maggiore Island, Venetian lagoon)

Studio Directors

Traudy Pelzel & Francesco Magnani
Directors, Associates, Senior Project Architects
MAP Studio

Photography by Udo Mainel


Are internships at MAP Studio available to students of this studio?
Yes. Internship places are available

Location Available:

Students accepted into the MAP Studio class at Venice Studio are eligible for selection to undertake an internship at MAP Studio. Selection of candidates is at the sole discretion of the studio directors and MAP Studio. Places are not guaranteed.
*Please contact us at Venice Studio using the form below for further information about these internship opportunities.

MAP Studio

MAP studio is an international office for architecture, urbanism and design, which began in 2004 with the union of architects Francesco Magnani and Traudy Pelzel, who then founded their joint architectural firm in  2010, now located in the historic centre of Venice in a beautiful workspace on the second main floor of palazzo Foscarini in front of Carmini church.

MAP studio carries out assignments and combines public and private professional activities with research, focusing on architectural design and urban renewal as well as the transformation of existing buildings, interior design and exhibition design.

Completed works range from the noted renovation of the Porta Nuova Tower in the Venice Arsenale, which presents a benchmark building for the renovation design of historic buildings, to a custom set of exhibition designs, new buildings and several restorations.

Recently MAP studio completed the restoration of a Carlo Scarpa house in Venice. The story of this exceptional building site is documented in the book titled; The House on Grand Canal published by Electa.

Asplund Pavilion
Venice, Italy

© Federico Cedrone

Ferrara, Italy

© Alessandra Bello

Port Museum
Trieste, Italy

© Alessandra Chemollo

Querini Park Greenhouses
Vicenza, Italy

© Claudia Rossini

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