Studio Brief & Information

Venice Real Reality

Due to its intrinsic sustainability, Venice seems to be a paradigmatic example of the XXI siècle city, as Le Corbusier affirmed: The City of the Future. With its compact structure, port of ideas, crossroads of knowledge and skills, Venice represents a historical bridge between east and west and a perfect balance between urban design, urban economy and environment.

Established on an unimaginable site, historically Venice has unceasingly had to invent its own actions. Its nature originates from the exceptions it is made of. The city was built by episodes, even though it was always able to make different unobstructed interpretations of its own.

The aim of the workshop is to challenge the perceptual conflict of real and virtual within the context of Venice by exploring techniques normally associated with creating CG, AR and Digital Fabrication.

We will explore how to create a layer of reality that is suspended in urban space-time in a specific location of the city. This layer is meant to transform both the reality and the virtuality of space perception. We target to impact both local communities and visitors. We will experiment with how designers control reality by intertwining elements and features of CG and AR techniques into the urban tissue and environment.  We are not interested in the simple overlay of either VR or AR environment but rather in creating an interface bridging the emergence of reality and a hyper-controlled 3D environment. We would like to take full advantage of the design team being present in the city during the workshop by harvesting inspiration from local characteristics and particularities.

Students will be required and encouraged to work in parallel realities: 3D world, analogue experimentation and conceptual narration. Furthermore students will also be introduced to some unconventional 3d modelling and computational design techniques throughout the duration of the workshop.

Project Program Installation
Studio Times 4-15th July | 3.5hrs / day (specific daily schedule tba)
9th – 10th July weekend (no class)
*it is expected that students spend additional time outside the scheduled class time to develop their projects
Required Skills Rhino, Enscape, Adobe Suite: Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, CAD
*optional: Mental Canvas, Grasshopper 3d
Required Software Rhino, Enscape, Adobe Suite: Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop
*optional: Mental Canvas, Grasshopper 3d
Resources Non-Essential but Recommended Reading:
– From Control to Design by Tomoko Sakamoto
– Animate Form by Greg Lyn
– A City is Not a Tree by Christopher Alexander
– Emergence by Steven Johnson
– Adaptive Ecologies: Correlated Systems of Living by Thoedore Apyropoulos
– Algorithmic Architecture by Kostas Terzidis
– Architecture for Commons: Participatory Systems in the Age of Platforms by Jose Sanchez
About Venice:
– SuperVenice, Vesper n.1, Quodlibet 2019
– Venetian Alphabet by Venice Pattern, Anteferma, 2021
– Venice is a fish: A sensual guide by Tiziano Scarpa, 2009
– Venice 2nd document by Sara Marini, Alberto Bertagna, Bruno 2017
Project Site TBC


Field Trips

Central Venice:

Querini Stampalia Foundation

Olivetti Showroom by Carlo Scarpa

Gallerie dell’Accademia

Doge Palace: Anselm Kiefer Exhibition Exhibition ANSELM KIEFER at Doge’s Palace – Palazzo Ducale (


Surrounding Countryside:

Gypsotheca Museum Canova, Possagno with extension by Carlo Scarpa

Brion Tomb and Sanctuary, Carlo Scarpa, San Vito di Altivole

Villa Emo, Villa Maser, Treviso

Studio Directors

Melinda Matuz
Senior Architect/Associate

Alexander Kalachev
Senior Architect/Associate

Caterina Micucci
Interior Architect/Associate


Are internships at UNStudio available to students of this studio?
Yes. Internship places are available

Locations Available:
Amsterdam is the preferred location. Based on student’s requests and on the availability at other UNS offices, alternative locations will be taken in consideration.

Students accepted into the UNStudio class at Venice Studio are eligible for selection to undertake an internship at UNStudio. Selection of candidates is at the sole discretion of the studio directors and UNStudio. Places are not guaranteed.
*Please contact us at Venice Studio using the form below for further information about these opportunities.


UNStudio, founded in 1988 by Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos, is an international architectural design network with six full-service international offices in Amsterdam, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Frankfurt, Dubai and Melbourne. UNStudio specialises in architecture, interior architecture, product design, urban development and infrastructural projects.

Mercedes-Benz Museum
Stuttgart, Germany

© Eva Bloem

Möbius House
Het Gooi, Netherlands

© Eva Bloem

P.C. Hooftstraat 138
Amsterdam, Netherlands

© Eva Bloem

Southbank by Beulah
Melbourne, Australia

© UNStudio

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