Studio Brief & Information

A building on the edge of water

“There is a glorious City in the Sea. The Sea is in the broad, the narrow streets, Ebbing and flowing; and the salt sea-weed Clings to the marble of her palaces. No track of men, no footsteps to and fro, Lead to her gates. The path lies o’er the Sea, Invisible; and from the land we went, As to a floating City – steering in, And gliding up her streets as in a dream…” – Samuel Rogers

Snøhetta is interested in exploring the past, present and future of space, and providing a place of connection in both local and global contexts. Venice is a city that is distinctively authentic and curiously exotic at the same time.

We would like to invite students to explore an architectural response to the past, remembering the vital parts, whilst acknowledging the changing nature of the city to consider both local and global audiences. We will explore various techniques and methodologies to unveil the site’s conditions and understand various ways to gain new perspectives of the site context without being bound by architectural typologies.

Throughout the studio, the studio members’ own individual perspectives will mould and form part of the process, extending beyond our discussion of architectural discourses.

Coinciding with the Venice Art Biennale, this studio will seek to explore the intersection between art and architecture and how architecture can be integrated with art. The studio will also consider Venice’s environmental and social fragility, and how this may inform the programme, through a series of discussions and explorations. How do the ever-changing seasonal conditions inform our process and where does design follow?

Project Program

A pavilion with gallery space inspired by an artist of the students choice from the biennale, and public program components to integrate with a site at the edge of water

Studio Times 4-15th July | 3.5hrs / day (specific daily schedule tba)
9th – 10th July weekend (no class)
*it is expected that students spend additional time outside the scheduled class time to develop their projects
Required Skills Intermediate Rhino
Intermediate Rendering
Required Software N/A
Resources N/A
Project Site TBC


Field Trips

Giardini della Biennale (during Venice Art Biennale)

IUAV University of Venice Archive (XX and XXI century architecture archives)

Church of San Giorgio Maggiore (16th-century Benedictine church designed by Andrea Palladio)

Museo del Manicomio (History museum located on San Servolo Island in the Venetian lagoon)

Studio Directors

Jette Hopp
Director Acquisition & Business Development

Gumji Kang
Architect, Project Leader

Tommaso Maserati


Are internships at Snøhetta available to students of this studio?
Yes. Internship places are available

Locations Available:
Oslo, Innsbruck and Adelaide

Students accepted into the Snøhetta Studio at Venice Studio are eligible for selection to undertake an internship at Snøhetta. Selection of candidates is at the sole discretion of the studio directors and Snøhetta. Places are not guaranteed.
*Please contact us at Venice Studio using the form below for further information about these opportunities.


Snøhetta (Norwegian pronunciation: [ˈsnøːˌhɛtɑ]) began as a collaborative architectural and landscape workshop, and has remained true to its trans-disciplinary way of thinking since its inception. Our work strives to enhance our sense of surroundings, identity and relationship to others and the physical spaces we inhabit, whether feral or human-made. Museums, products, reindeer observatories, graphics, landscapes and dollhouses get the same care and attention to purpose. Today, Snøhetta has grown to become an internationally renowned practice of architecture, landscape architecture, interior architecture, product, graphic, digital design and art, with 280 employees of more than thirty different nationalities, and an equal gender distribution. Snøhetta is a place nobody is from, but anyone can go to.

Norwegian Wild Reindeer Pavilion
Hjerkinn, Norway

Lindesnes, Norway

Norwegian National Opera and Ballet
Oslo, Norway

Path of Perspectives
Innsbruck, Austria

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